Thursday 13 November 2014

Week 170 - Trim, Control Column and Headrest

Hours to date: 1519.25

After fitting everything remaining on the Rudder pedals I was a bit nervous and pessimistic (you have to be this way on a Twister) that things would work.

As it turns out they worked perfectly - no adjustment needed and the operation is surprisingly light. I'm really pleased with the way this turned out.

Onto the Elevator actuating (control column) and Trim.

This all went in fairly easily so there's not much to report really - except the trim does not seem to be in the neutral range when set in it's middle setting. Not sure why this is so I'm going to have to figure that one out.

My Trim indicator solution is just to mark the middle of the exposed bit of wire and then make corresponding marks on the fuselage side.

I've also started on a headrest - yes dear readers another mod!

I've got to attach it to the seat with a hinge then build a small bracket at the top of the fuse to allow for a Quick release fastener to be installed. (A screw head Dzus type).

Next job will most likely be either the battery or firewall and engine mount.

Rudder pedals all done - working perfectly

Carbon mount added to Micro block now

Cable ends

Fitted the elevator pushrod bearings

Control column installed

Trim indicator solution - wire and fuse are yet to be marked

Trim installed.


Some confliction here as the range is not right at the moment.

Elevator actuating pushrod

Rubbing on the left side - need to Dremel that gap out a tad


Leather covered foam block to be added later.

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