Monday, 26 September 2011

Reinforcing wing ribs and finishing Aileron hinge pins

Yesterday was spent finishing off the Aileron hinge pins which involved filing down the excess flock so it was flush with the edge of the aileron and then adding a reinforcing of 40mm fiberglass tape.

To do the tape part of this job in such a confined area it was best to wet out the tape completely first - I did this by dipping it in the cup of resin and then squeezing out the excess resin. Then fold it in half and insert. I used a stirring stick cut in half to press down the tape at the back. I also throughly wet out the area inside first.

A good inspection lamp is vital for these types of jobs - to see down into a dark confined space - I have a LED lamp which is very bright and cordless so pretty good for the job.

Most of the day was spent reinforcing the ribs on the trailing edge of the wings. Again 40mm tape is used.

Next up I think I will cut the holes for the counterweights in the wings and also bond the flap support to the rib.

Both aileron hinge pins finished with flock and finally a layer of 40mm tape

Reinforced ribs with tape



  1. Hey Andy, am confused reading about rear spar lamination. The diagram Fig instructs using one lamination tape but the sketch indicates two tapes (inboard of the flap/aileron support), the second one narrower?? Whats your take on this?

    Also do you apply peel ply to just the external seam laminations.....I noticed in section 2.3.3 third instruction asks to 'cover all surfaces this peel-ply?

    Cheers Krishna
    PS looking forward to youtube clip when you get round to it.

  2. Howdy Krishna,

    Check out the factory website for the latest version of the wings section of the manual - it's been updated.

    This section does indeed require two layers of glass - first 40mm then 25mm. So I am going to have to add the 25mm tape soon myself.

    I know they say to cover all surfaces with peel ply but I have not bothered. Peel ply does have the secondary effect of soaking up any excess resin so it is a good idea even if it is not being used in the traditional sense. I noticed that Pete also uses it as it gives a nice smooth finish (he leaves it on as an outside layer). I am using it where I know I will be peeling it off again later.

    I just posted another update this morning.

    Bye for now and have a good Xmas.

