Monday, 19 September 2011

Elevator work

Another decent stint of 9.5 hours this weekend.

Worked mainly on the elevators, job was made much harder as I had to remove a hinge pin that had been put in already in the factory (this is not normal). It took ages, but had to be done as it was in the wrong position (out by 3 mm) and was also put in with Micro (which is non-structural). So I had to remove that first and grind out the micro. This added about 3 hours to the job.

The hinge pins are put in with lots of Cotton Flock/Resin mix. (Flock is structural)

The next day I installed the bearings in the Horizontal Stabilizer that the hinge pins go into when completed.

The instructions say the bearings should be "sanded slightly" to fit - as you can see quite a bit of the outer plastic has to be taken off - I used a file. You also need to take all the 'meat' out of the horz stab where the hinge will go for it to fit - leaving just the outer layer of carbon/glass.

The bearing is pushed onto the hinge pin and then bonded with 5 minute resin in place. A 2mm gap at the end and lining everything up nicely with the trailing edge of the elevator and horz stab. After this sets the elevator is removed and all the space around the bearing is filled with Flock.

I also did 3 hours during the week and finished off the control rods.

Elevator bearing before

Bearing after. Quite a bit of the outer has to be taken off.

Hinge pin bonded into elevator end with Flock

Bearing is slid on the pin and bonded with 5 minute resin

Bearing bonded in place

All voids filled with Flock

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